The wife and I, with our little son in tow, are in Vermont this week. We visited the Ben & Jerry's main factory in Waterbury today.
Ben & Jerry's, as most of you may know well, is an American ice cream company famous for its funky flavors such as "Chunky Monkey", "Phish Food" (named after a Vermont band) etc. It was founded by lifelong friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfieldan in 1978 in Burlington, Vermont. And in 2000, Ben & Jerry's became a division of the British-Dutch Unilever conglomerate.
We just thought you might enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them.
Funky looking factory
Employee Benefit?
Move aside, Batmobile...
Flavor Graveyard
Here lies all the ice cream flavors that are discontinued
Grave #1
Grave #2
Grave #3
Grave #4
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