As you enter from the main door, you have a choice of two pathways into the living/dining room. One will take you round the common bedrooms and allow you access to the yard area, while the other leads you through a long corridor (what they called "access balcony" in the floor plan), pass the wet kitchen before arriving at the living room.
We weren't kidding about the "long corridor". Also notice how much space the combined planter/AC Ledge take up! The aircon maintenance guy can probably take a nap along the ledge in between servicing. And these are actually spaces that you have to pay for...
The living & dining room is kinda small for a 4-bedroom apartment. Maybe they should do away with the dry kitchen.
The common bathroom is rather awkwardly positioned within the apartment (in our opinion) - this is located near the main entrance, directly opposite to the yard/utility area. If you are entertaining guests in the living/dining room, it is a rather lengthy walk for them to access the bathroom.
The 2 common bedrooms are tiny - the single bed seems to be custom-fitted and a tad shorter than normal.
The Junior Master is more spacious - you can easily fit a Queen-sized bed in here and still have some space to work with. It comes with an attached bathroom, but we did not manage to get a photo of it.
The master bedroom is decent sized (by current standard), although you are probably left with walking spaces should you decide on a King-sized bed. But at least the "King" bed looked "normal"...
Notice the glass partition-wall that separates the master bedroom from the attached bathroom? This is just a fallacy of your imagination, or as they are normally called... ID. The actual apartment will come with soild-wall partition, which means the room is likely be smaller.
The master bathroom looked rather nice, but those expecting marble walls/floors will be disappointed. And to rub salt to injury, standard shower stall applies even for the 4-bedders, i.e. no bath-tub - definitely not an issue with us (since we are no fan of long-baths) but some potential buyers may take offence to it.
And to round off this photo review, this is what the interior of the 4-bedroom unit looks like if you are standing at the PES.... on a hazy day (we apologize for the poor photo quality).
Our parting shot: The wife and I did not like the layout of the 4-bedder at all. There are too much "wasted spaces" (i.e. long walkways/corrridors, huge A/C Ledges etc) that is common across this apartment type. We also find the living/dining room and common bedrooms too small for comfort.
And did we mention that all the 4-bedders get direct West Sun at the living/dining room area? No wonder they need such huge balconies...
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