The developer said eight in 10 buyers are Singaporeans. 81% of units sold were two- and three-bedroom units.
Said to be the most expensive suburban condominium here, the development in Bishan Central is going for $1,642 psf for a four-bedroom unit to $1,747 psf for a one-room unit.
A three-bedroom room apartment will cost about $2 million.
Source: Channel News Asia
d'Leedon (Recent Transactions)
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
Most Expensive Homes
Did you post a human hand squeezing a choking fish? Thats so apt! Funny.
Hi Anonymous (16/4/12, 1:16PM),
We were told that's a sucker fish....
Government to release six residential sites estimated to yield 2,380 housing units
The URA and HDB are releasing 6 residential sites for sale in April 2012.
This is to provide developers and home-buyers with more choices for private housing.
In a statement, the URA said that together, the six sites will yield about 2,380 units as part of the total 14,100 residential units to be released under the Government Land Sales (GLS) Programme for 1st half 2012 (1H2012).
Source; ChannelnewsAsis 16/4/2012
Notice everytime there is an uptick, good news...such news will be released by Garmend?
The fish (of genre :SUCKER) has taken the bait. Now it is caught by the hand that laid the bait!!!
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