So you are on a budget
and desire a home with an interior living space that is much larger than what the
new condominium projects can offer these days. Your current option, other
than moving to Iskandar, is to look at apartments in an older development.
By "older", the wife and I are talking
about developments that are at least 10 years old. For those that really crave for
space, this is not so much a "choice" rather than a "requirement".
There are few options, for example, for a 3-bedroom apartments of at least
1,600sqft that was built before 2004 (as far as we know anyway). And if you only want to consider those that come with
no bay windows and planter boxes, you probably would have to go further back
than 10 years!
Now that we have established that your best
bet is with older apartments, what are some of the key considerations that
you will have to take before buying into that older development?
1. Number of
years remaining (for leasehold condos)
You may
want to reconsider on that leasehold condo if it currently has 60 (or fewer) years on its land lease. This is
because should you need to resell your unit, it will be a tad challenging as many buyers still frown
upon old developments with less than 60 years
of lease remaining.
2. General
upkeep of the estate
This is
especially important for older developments. Other than keeping a wide-eye on the general cleanliness around the
estate and whether the greeneries within are properly
maintained, you may also want to inquire about when the estate was last repainted and when was the last time the lifts
(especially for high-rise developments) were
upgraded. All these will have a direct impact on the maintenance and sinking funds of the development, which will
ultimately affect your purse.
3. Maintenance/Sinking
It may be
prudent to ask how much the estate has in terms of maintenance/sinking funds. This tells you how financially
adequate the estate is currently and more importantly,
whether you need to be around during the next AGM to vote on any proposed increase in the maintenance/sinking fund contribution. And by knowing whether an estate repainting or lift upgrading exercise is
round the corner, this gives
you further idea on whether more money is needed from each household vis-à-vis the current amount of funds that the estate
Your immediate neighbours
While it is
normally a case of "what you moved-into is what you get" for brand new developments, you can typically make "informed
decisions" about your neighbours when
you buy into an older estate. If you are a sucker for tidiness and you see tons
of shoes and other knick knacks lying
all over the outside of your immediate neighbours' home,
you have to then decide if you can live with that mess whenever you step out of the lift coming home. The wife and I will
also advice for you to make at least 2 visits
to the apartment before you make that purchase decision - once during the day over a weekend and once on a weekday
evening (say, between 7 to 8pm, when all
the school-going kids have come home). This will give you a true indication of
the noise levels generated by your
immediate neighbours, especially the family that lives on top of you. Doing so may save you from another "Everitt Road " type of incident.
5. Any
impending/on-going collective sale activity?
Some people
will deliberately buy into an estate when they hear that it is preparing to go en-bloc. But if you are really buying
to stay, the last thing you need is to spend time and money completing that ideal renovation, move into your new home
and then realise that 80% of your neighbours are ready to sell-out within the
next 12 months!
6. Plot ratio
and building restrictions
potential new owners, question about plot ratio and building restrictions may be the
last thing on your mind. But we deem it important to have some idea of how "marketable" your estate is
when comes to collective sale before you consider buying into it. Even if this does not happen anytime soon, the likelihood
persists simply because the
estate is... well... old.
The above considerations may be elementary to some of
you. Please bear with us if this is so. And if you have anything else to add to
our list, we be most happy to hear from you!
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