The wife and I (actually more the "I"... again) have spent most of the day reworking on our blog design (again).
Many thanks to those who have chipped in with your comments/suggestions - a couple were extremely helpful and we have tried to incorporate these to the best of our HTML coding ability.
We reckon we are about done. Now to wait for our domain to be activated before we go "live" with our new website.
Meantime, any further comments/suggestions will be most appreciated!
2nd post here - Not a good idea to lock the banner.. :)
I still want the comments link at home page (for each article)...
- Kenny
Hi Kenny, apologies but we do not quite get what you mean.
As far as I can see, the "comment" function for each blog post is available in the new site - It is now on top (next to the post date) instead of at the bottom.
Or is that not what you meant?
Thank you very much for your continual input!
Hi folks
(a) top banner scrolls together with the screen. this takes up a lot of real estate and we don't really need reminding of the site that we are on. leave the banner at the top but disable the scrolling function i.e. the banner remains on the top even if one were to scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
(b) comments are no longer visible on the front page.
Hi MD,
Thank you very much for your feedback.
(a) We agree with you fully but due to our limited coding knowledge, we do not know (yet) how to make the top banner scroll with the screen. But we are seeking help so hopefully we can make the change soon.
(b) We have received the same comment from Kenny but we are somewhat stumped as to what both of you meant by "comments are no longer visible on the front page". We do have the "Recent Comments" widget (a fancier version) installed on the sidebar as before that shows all the recent comments (max 5). Is this not what you guys are referring to?
Ah. I was running the site in a 1024x768 resolution as I was accessing the site from a old laptop. Changing over to my other laptop 1280x1204, I see the comments widgets that you are talking about. Just take note that in 1024x768 resolution, the comments widget are not displayed but in 1280x1024, its available.
Kenny here. I saw the comments now! It was not obvious as the comments are "greyed out". (or maybe its due to my lao hua) :)
A few suggestions:
- Comments link should be in another colour (typically blue to hint that it is a link)
- If possible have a Read More button after article summary (see RealSingapore web site with the Read more button after every article summary)
- the magnifying glass on the banner is not inituitive, I suggest to directly show the search box field Also the index icon on the left side of banner is not clickable, and also not intuitive.
- Using grey words in the article summary is not advisable.. try normal black.
- the two grey vertical stripes (wallpaper) is not appealing, Blogspot allows you to use a picture as backdrop. Try some patterns (even dots are nice) or some non distracting wallpaper (buildings or houses to reflect the theme?)
My 2 cents. Good efforts - Keep it up! :)
- Kenny
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